Course Syllabus
Art 107 Design Fundamentals I (2-D)
Online class
Explores the fundamentals of design using various media focusing on 2-D design. This is a hybrid online class. Students will mail in their artwork projects following the due dates and will complete eight discusssion panels and three written assignments. This is a three credit course that meets the fine arts requirement for the general education grid. Course Prerequisites: none
Instructor Name & Contact Information
Prof. Patricia Fox /
MCMullen Hall 128 /775 753 2262
Mon 1:00- 4:00/Tues 10:00 - 12:00 or by appointment
Communicating With the Instructor
This course uses a “three before me” policy in regards to student to faculty communications. When questions arise during the course of this class, please remember to check these three sources for an answer before asking me to reply to your individual questions:
- Course syllabus
- The Week's Module
- The “GBC Coffee House” discussion board
This will help you in identifying answers before the instructor can get back to you and it also helps your instructor from answering similar questions or concerns multiple times.
If you cannot find an answer to your question, please first post your question to the “GBC Coffee House” discussion board. Here your question can be answered to the benefit of all students by fellow students and sometimes the instructor. You are encouraged to answer questions from other students in the discussion forum when you know the answer to a question in order to help provide timely assistance.
If you have questions of a personal nature such as relating a personal emergency, questioning a grade on an assignment, or something else that needs to be communicated privately, you are welcome to contact me via the Inbox or phone. My preference is that you will try to send an Inbox message to the instructor first. I will usually respond to email and phone messages from 8am to 5pm on weekdays, unless it is a holiday or Spring break, please allow 24 hours for me to respond.
I answer content information for the course, if you have a question about the technology being used in the course, please contact the GBC Help Desk for assistance (775-753-2167,, ).
Setting up Your Profile & Notifications
One of the most important things you can do to improve communication in the course between you, the instructor and other students in the course is setting up your Profile and Notifications. Do this by clicking on Settings in the upper right corner.
Course Textbook and Materials
Launching the Imagination by Mary Stewart
A guide to Two-Dimensional Design/Fourth Edition/McGraw Hill/Copyright 2012
ISBN: 978-0-07737980-3
Student text web site: and selecting “Student Edition” on the left
Materials Needed:
Here is a basic supply list. You may want to purchase as you need the products rather than buying everything at once.You can check the materials requirement under each project on the class site. Sources for buying supplies are many and varied. I prefer to use Daniel Smith Art Supplies or Dick Blick; both have websites.
You are required to submit all of your projects (plates) on the 11" x 14" poster board. These are referred to as "plates".
Sketch pad with good drawing paper, not newsprint (at least 15 x 18) This will be used for drawing and the cover slip.
Scissors, compass, ruler, exacto knife
Paint brushes (flat and round)
Tracing paper
Rubber cement, White glue
2B and 4B graphite pencils
Prisma colored pencils or a quality brand
Acrylic paint (basic colors-red, blue, yellow, black and white) and medium
Colored markers and 2 black markers, one fine tipped and one medium
White water based paint to mix greys
Package of multi color construction paper including black, white and grey
Course Objectives
Teach students how to use the design elements and principles in a problem solving format.
Encourage students to be able to discuss art intelligently and be able to demonstrate this knowledge with classmates.
Broaden the visual vocabulary of general education students.
Support and encourage creative efforts and self reflection through art.
Learning Outcomes and Measurements
Learning Outcomes |
Measurement |
Communication Skills -Integrate creative problem solving within a design |
Complete 17 plates Complete four written assignments |
Critical Thinking- Learn the elements and principles of two dimensional design through hands on experience. Understand the basis elements of three dimensional design Written work on the content and style of art |
Seven discussion panels Seventeen artistic plates Four written assignments |
Personal and Cultural Awareness - develop a personal language. |
Discussions, art work (plates) and written assignments |
Personal Wellness- presentation of art plates. |
Self expression in creating artwork
Method of instruction
This class is taught online. However students are required to mail their art work (17 Plates) to this instructor following the calendar due dates. Students will receive envelopes at the beginning of the semester to mail the art work back to the college. At the end of the semester the students' work will be returned to the student's registered address.
Course Requirements
Since this is an online course there will not be any face-to-face class sessions. However it is not a self-paced course. Required work for this class: 7 bi- weekly discussions (online), 17 art plates on poster board (mailed in) and 3 final written assignments submitted online. All written work must be submitted as a "word" document with a heading (name, class and date included). Check the calendar for all due dates.
Each week students will be required to:
Read the text
Follow the modules each week
Mail or hand deliver the 17 plates to the GBC Elko campus (McMullen Hall, 128)
Purchase art supplies
Design Plates
Each plate should have 1/2 " borders and a cover slip from the sketch pad paper. The student's name and plate title and number should be on the front of the cover slip indicating the direction you would like the art work to be graded from. Purchased templates or tracing are not allowed in this class on your design plates.
All plates will receive 80 or 100 points. The plates that receive 100 points have a requirement of an additional three sketches apart from the final drawing on the plate. You will see under each module, a heading indicating the grade value. Points are awarded according to execution not ability. If the project description specifies that sketches are necessary three will be required. Sketches must be mailed in with the plates and should always have your name on each sketch. It is handy to slip them under the cover slip so they do not become misplaced from your plate.
Written Work
The purpose of the written work is to encourage you to engage with the reading material in a meaningful manner. They help me to see what students understand and what needs further clarification. Each report is valued at 50 points and should be submitted in a word document through the assignment tool of WebCampus by the date and time specified in the course calendar. If you do not submit the written work correctly, it will not be graded.
Discussion Panels
In your discussion comments I would like to see evidence that you are reading your texts. Meaningful reference to masterful art work and concepts in the texts are a valuable contribution to this class. There are a total of 50 points possible for each discussion as indicated in the rubric.
The multiple-posting discussion requires that you post at least three times.
Posting #1 (required by midweek)
Posting #2 – respond to one of your classmates’ responses. Your response should add something to their posting or ask a question about their posting.
Posting #3 – respond to the postings that others have made to your response.
Computer Requirements
This course requires that you have access to a computer that can access the internet. You will need to have access to, and be able to use, the following software packages:
- A web browser (An up-to-date version of Google Chrome, Safari, or Mozilla Firefox)
- Adobe Acrobat Reader (free)
- Adobe Flash Player (free)
- Microsoft Word
- Other specialize free programs listed in the weekly modules
You are responsible for having a reliable computer and internet connection throughout the course. Great Basin College centers have open lab hours for your use. Local libraries usually have computers for public assess. It is up to YOU to find reliable computer access for this course.
Internet & WebCampus
This course uses WebCampus for the facilitation of communications between faculty and students, submission of assignments, and posting of grades.The WebCampus Course Site can be accessed at an alternative way into the site can be reached by going to:
Preparation for class means reading the assigned readings & reviewing all information required for that week. Attendance in an online course means logging into WebCampus and on a regular basis and participating in the all of activities that are posted in the course.
Studying and Preparation Time
The course requires you to spend time preparing and completing assignments. A three-credit course requires 135 hours of student work. Therefore expect to spend approximately 9 hours a week preparing for and actively participating in this course.
Late or Missed Assignments
All assignments must be finished and turned in to complete the course. Late work is not allowed in this class. Deadlines are specified on each assignment and in the drop boxes. Don't forget the check the calendar each week.
Submitting Assignments
All art projects (plates) will be mailed or hand delivered to the Elko campus. See the video on the home page for an example of the plate with a cover slip. On the front of each cover slip you are to have your name, the class ( Art 107), and the plate number. The cover slip is attached to the back of your plate with masking tape. Due dates are posted on the calendar.
In this course students produce 17 design plates that address the elements and principles of design. In order to maintain the focus of this course on art and not computer software, and because there is value in the physical process and experience of making art, these plates will be produced the “old fashioned” way which is manually with ink, paper, glue, rulers, poster board, etc. The plates will be mailed or carried in. Make sure you put a return address on the envelope. Each student will receive pre-addressed envelopes after the course starts. If your home address has changed recently please notify: Admissions and Records at 775-753-2102 asap.
The projects must be postmarked on or before the date specified in the course calendar. If you choose to hand deliver your work, you may submit it to the Admin. Asst. in the Fine Arts Dept. located in McMullen Hall. It is the student’s responsibility to follow these guidelines for submitting projects.
Some of the skills necessary for the execution of these plates may be new and challenging. However, if adequate care is taken and enough time is allowed an individual with average manual dexterity will be able to complete the projects without too much difficulty. These projects do take time. Before you start the projects (plates) it is very important that you do all the reading for the lesson or they may be confusing.
Late projects will not be accepted for grading. You may submit them earlier if you know you will miss a due date. I will e-mail your grade and my comments about the design plates to you confidentially.
All discussions and the written work MUST be submitted via WebCanvas. Each assignment will have a designated place to submit the assignment. The art work (plates) will be mailed or dropped off at my office in McMullen Hall. There are required due dates for all work.
FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act 1974)
From time to time throughout the course, selected assignments completed by you may be made available for public display. Should this cause you concern, please indicate to me in writing that you do not wish to have any of your work so displayed.
Drop and Add dates
If you feel it is necessary to withdraw from the course, please see GBC Calendar for full details on the types of withdrawals that are available and their procedures.
You must drop this course by Mar 24, 2014 if you would like a withdrawal grade. After that date your grade will be failing if you do not pass this class.
Subject to change notice
All material, assignments, and deadlines are subject to change with prior notice to benefit the learning of students in the course. It is your responsibility to stay in touch with your instructor, review the course site regularly, or communicate with other students, to adjust as needed if assignments or due dates change.
Academic Integrity
GBC expects and requires all its students to act with honesty and integrity, and respect the rights of others in carrying out all academic assignments. Click for more information on academic integrity, including the policy and appeal procedures and the Student Conduct Statement below.
Great Basin College considers academic honesty one of its highest values. A student who obtains academic credit for work that is not the product of his or her own effort is being dishonest and undermining the academic integrity of the college. Students are expected to be the sole authors of their work. Use of another’s ideas must be accompanied by specific citation and reference. In addition, a learner may not submit the same work for credit in more than one course. The disciplinary consequences of plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty include non-acceptance of work submitted, a failing grade in the course, and/or or other disciplinary action as outlined in Great Basin College’s Student Conduct Policy.
Grades and Grading Scale
Grading artwork is a necessary part of this class. It is important that the student realizes that the plates are graded objectively meaning the objects of the work are judged. A low grade is to be analyzed in terms of the elements of the design that are missing. It is not about the personal feelings that the students has portrayed. It will be more meaningful to the student not to take an art grade personally but rather as an opportunity to learn more about design.
Assignment of letter grades is based on a percentage of points earned. The letter grade will correspond with the following percentages achieved. All course requirements must be completed before a grade is assigned.
Plates 70%
Discussion 15%
Written work 10%
Final 5%
Total 100%
Grading Criteria
Course grade will be based on discussions, art plates and four written assignments. To determine the final course grade, your individual grades will be calculated on a percentage scale and then recorded as the corresponding grade point value and letter grade as shown below.
Grade |
Percent Range |
A |
94-100 |
A- |
90-93 |
B+ |
87-89 |
B |
84-86 |
B- |
80-83 |
C+ |
77-79 |
C |
74-76 |
C- |
70-73 |
D+ |
67-69 |
D |
65-66 |
F |
0-64 |
How to Succeed in this Course
Log in to the course web site daily
Communicate with your instructor
Create a study schedule so that you don’t fall behind on assignments
Student Conduct Statement
Students are required to adhere to the behavior standards listed in GBC Student Conduct and Netiquette Policies. Students are entitled to receive instruction free from interference by other members of the class. If a student is disruptive, an instructor may ask the student to stop the disruptive behavior and warn the student that such disruptive behavior can result in withdrawal from the course. An instructor may withdraw a student from a course when the student's behavior disrupts the educational process under NSHE Code, Title 2, Chapter 6. Section 6.2.2.
Appropriate classroom behavior is defined by the instructor. This includes the number and length of individual messages online. Course discussion messages should remain focused on the assigned discussion topics. Students must maintain a cordial atmosphere and use tact in expressing differences of opinion. Inappropriate discussion board messages may be deleted if an instructor feels it is necessary. Students will be notified privately that their posting was inappropriate.
Student access to the course InBox and Discussion tools may be limited or removed if an instructor feels that students are sending inappropriate or disparaging remarks about the course in electronic messages to other students in the course.
Syllabus Disclaimer
The instructor views the course syllabus as an educational contract between the instructor and students. Every effort will be made to avoid changing the course schedule but the possibility exists that unforeseen events will make syllabus changes necessary. The instructor reserves the right to make changes to the syllabus as deemed necessary. Students will be notified in a timely manner of any syllabus changes face-to-face, via email or in the course site Announcements. Please remember to check your WebCampus often.
Student Assistance and Technical Support Contact Information
GBC's Academic Success Centers (ASC) on the Elko campus and at GBC's rural centers offer the following services to GBC students, all at no cost. GBC is committed to your success!
- Live tutoring -- free to all GBC students
- Free placement testing
- Proctored testing
- Open computer labs
- Help for students where English is their second language. You can also request a personalized one-on-one success plan utilizing the Student Support & Retention Office. 775-753-2255
GBC's Library on the Elko Campus provides electronic and digital resources to help students in their research and learning.
Contact the library through the "Ask a Librarian" form or 775-753-2222.GBC's Technology HelpDesk provides WebCampus assistance when students click on the Help button in the upper right hand corner in WebCampus, call 775-753-2167, or email
For information on college closures and outages see the GBC Homepage, for information on WebCampus slowdowns or outages visit this site.
Accessibility Statement
Great Basin College is committed to providing equal educational opportunities to qualified students with disabilities in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations, including the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. A qualified student must furnish current verification of disability.
This course is designed to be compatible with most universal screen readers. If you are a student needing video and/or audio captioning, GBC's Disabilities Office will provide captioning for you in this course.
The Students with Disabilities Office, located in Berg Hall, will assist qualified students with disabilities in securing the appropriate and reasonable accommodations, auxiliary aids, and services. For more information or further assistance, please call 775-753-2271.
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |